lunes, 13 de julio de 2009

Unknown Sunflowers

This blog is for the guy who scared me! leaving some Sunflowers on my room with no card on it...

He said that, he wanted to leave this with the sunflowers....
And it says:

Dear marla:

Sunflowers remind me a lot about God… and how he is always there for us… in a way… they are kind of like us… Sunflowers follow the light from the sun threw out the day… the sun guides the flowers to the west of the world until it comes to rest at sun set… Just like how we follow God and how God guides us threw out every day of our life … At night… when the world is dark and they can’t feel the light of the sun… sunflowers make there way back to face the east of the world… they wait there patiently in the dark to greet the sun again at sun rise… it’s as if they knew that the sun is always there and it will always be there to greet them every day… even if they can’t feel it…

This is what remineds me of God… That when our world is dark… and we feel as if he isn’t there…He will always be there for us… no matter what… because he is the light that will always guide us to our path in our darkest days (salmos 119:105- Lampara es a mis pies tu palabra, y lumbrera a mi camino)

That when our world is dark… and we feel as if we will never see the light of day… we could sit there patiently and wait for him… because he will always be the light to turn night into day (2 samuel 22:29-Porque tu eres mi lampara, oh Jehova. Jehova da luz a mis tinieblas)…

That when our world is dark… and we feel week and too afraid to carry on…. God will always be the light to save us and strengthens us to make it threw another night (salmos 27:1-Jehova es mi luz y mi salvacion, de quien temere? Jehova es la fortaleza de mi vida, de quien he de temorizarme? ) …

Because God will always be the light of our world… no matter how dark our world may be… and it’s because of him that we will always wake to greet another day…(Juan 8:12- Y habloles Jesus otraves, diciendo: Yo soy la luz del mundo: el que me sigue, no andara en tinieblas, mas tengra la lumbre de la vida)...

that was the perpiss of the flowers.... this was the messege I wanted to give with the flowers... 4 verbs 4 flowers...I wrote it on a peace of paper... I thought about leaving it yesterday... but I couldn't...

PS: The unknown boy...

1 comentario:

  1. Bad Pickup letter, who the hell use God as an excuse to enamorar A ALGUIEN XD
    Powned Tehee
